Legendre - Taichung09 Un muy buen curso dado por un grande. Material de sobra para entretenerse, espero les guste.
This page contains links to various documents and programs that will be used during the course
Course outline, Taichung 2009
"Multidimensional quantitative data" (Chapter extract)
"Regression" (Chapter extract)
"Multiple regression: computing the parameters by matrix inversion" (Teaching document)
"Model II regression" (R library support document)
Day 2
"Statistical tests, permutation tests" (Chapter extract)
"Comparison of two samples" (Teaching document)
"Appendix: t-test with Welch correction" (Manuscript extract)
"Compare several group means: anova" (Teaching document)
Day 3
"Other forms of anova" (Teaching document)
"General linear model" (Teaching document)
"Algebra of Principal Component and Correspondence Analyses" (Teaching document)
"From classical to canonical ordination" (Chapter)
"Contingency table analysis" (Teaching document)
"Ecologically meaningful transformations for ordination of species data" (Article)
"Ordination methods for community composition data tables" (Summary Figure)
"Eigenvalues and eigenvectors" (Teaching document)
Day 2
"Some measures of resemblance" (Teaching document)
"Is Miss America an undernourished role model?" (Article)
"Variation partitioning" (Chapter extract)
"Types of variables in explanatory matrix X of multiple regression" (Teaching document)
"R-square, adjusted R-square" (Chapter extract)
"Variation partitioning of species data matrices: estimation and comparison of fractions" (Article)
"Polynomial regression, trend surface analysis" (Teaching document)
"Permutation test summary" (Classroom notes)
"Multiple regression with permutation test" (R function)
Day 3
"Partial linear regression and variation partitioning" (Chapter extract)
"Studying beta diversity: ecological variation partitioning by multiple regression and canonical analysis" (Article, Chinese and English versions)
"Canonical analysis" (Classroom notes)
"Response of 20 native tree species..." (Article)
"Distance-based redundancy analysis..." (Article)
(There is nothing in this section at the moment)
Practicals last updated November 6, 2009
Practicals for Part 1 of the course using the R statistical language
Practicals for Part 2 of the course using the R statistical language
Programs and PDF reprints from the lab of Pierre Legendre
Biostatistics Short Course
Department of Life Science
and Center for Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity
Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
November 6-8 and 13-15, 2009
Pierre Legendre
Professor, Université de Montréal
This page contains links to various documents and programs that will be used during the course
Course outline, Taichung 2009
Documents in PDF format
Part 1: Linear model
Day 1"Multidimensional quantitative data" (Chapter extract)
"Regression" (Chapter extract)
"Multiple regression: computing the parameters by matrix inversion" (Teaching document)
"Model II regression" (R library support document)
Day 2
"Statistical tests, permutation tests" (Chapter extract)
"Comparison of two samples" (Teaching document)
"Appendix: t-test with Welch correction" (Manuscript extract)
"Compare several group means: anova" (Teaching document)
Day 3
"Other forms of anova" (Teaching document)
"General linear model" (Teaching document)
Part 2: Community ecology ordination
Day 1"Algebra of Principal Component and Correspondence Analyses" (Teaching document)
"From classical to canonical ordination" (Chapter)
"Contingency table analysis" (Teaching document)
"Ecologically meaningful transformations for ordination of species data" (Article)
"Ordination methods for community composition data tables" (Summary Figure)
"Eigenvalues and eigenvectors" (Teaching document)
Day 2
"Some measures of resemblance" (Teaching document)
"Is Miss America an undernourished role model?" (Article)
"Variation partitioning" (Chapter extract)
"Types of variables in explanatory matrix X of multiple regression" (Teaching document)
"R-square, adjusted R-square" (Chapter extract)
"Variation partitioning of species data matrices: estimation and comparison of fractions" (Article)
"Polynomial regression, trend surface analysis" (Teaching document)
"Permutation test summary" (Classroom notes)
"Multiple regression with permutation test" (R function)
Day 3
"Partial linear regression and variation partitioning" (Chapter extract)
"Studying beta diversity: ecological variation partitioning by multiple regression and canonical analysis" (Article, Chinese and English versions)
"Canonical analysis" (Classroom notes)
"Response of 20 native tree species..." (Article)
"Distance-based redundancy analysis..." (Article)
Other documents
(There is nothing in this section at the moment)
Practicals in R
Practicals last updated November 6, 2009Practicals for Part 1 of the course using the R statistical language
Practicals for Part 2 of the course using the R statistical language
Programs and PDF reprints from the lab of Pierre Legendre
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